Thursday 22 February 2018

BIrthday camera

We were up early this morning for a celebratory birthday breakfast with Rhiannon, before she set off for London with Kath and Anto for a visit to Madame Tussaud's. Her Big Pressy was a Sony H400 camera, which several of us clubbed together to buy for her. Naturally, I'm delighted to think she's taking an interest in photography, and wanting to make the step up from small pocket camera. 

Apart from the prohibitive high cost of a DSLR as a first step up the camera ladder, Sony superzooms offer a lightweight alternative with a long lens and body of a similar size. It takes a while to get used to carrying around something which doesn't slip easily into your pocket, and getting the most out of a 50+ zoom. If using it regularly catches on with her, it may see her through the rest of school. 

As she seems headed towards an artistic career, a time will come when a high quality camera upgrade will be necessary, and by then she'll be more motivated to manage the added weight and size. One step at a time however. It's very pleasing to see her preference doing design work on paper, rather than with a digital device. Who knows, she might even take to old fashioned film photography? There are plenty of bargain antique cameras around. Pity about the cost of using film.

Our home journey after breakfast was relaxed and uneventful. The roads were fairly quiet, perhaps because it's half term. Later in the day, Kath started sending us funny family photos of them mixing with celebrities in wax on What'sApp. The problem for me was recognising who the celebrities are, as well as knowing anything about them. The same was true, watching last night's Brit awards. It's another universe I don't belong to. That's the trouble with getting old.

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