Friday 28 September 2012

Flight arrival in Cardiff

Today our friends Heinz and Maria Luisa arrived from Switzerland to spend a week with us. Maria Luisa is giving a talk tomorrow at the Steiner Early Years centre about her therapeutic work with children from birth through early infancy. At the same time , the launch of the English translation of her research work, which Clare and I worked on together earlier in the year, will take place at the same time.

They chose to fly into Cardiff from Zurich using Air Helvetica's service. Zurich is only an hour by train from where they live. The flight first called at Bristol, having set out late and there it was delayed even longer, taking all passengers off the plane and putting ongoing passengers through security checks before re-boarding for the ten minute hop across Bristol Channel. Eventually, their flight touched down an hour and a half behind schedule. Instead of short term parking costing us a quid, it cost us six quid, which was annoying. Ah well, they arrived safely, if tired from all the waiting. 

After a meal together Clare took them out for a walk while I went to St Mike's to fetch an overhead projector of the analogue kind, which Maria Luisa had requested - like any sensible presenter with a decent story to tell, she doesn't do Powerpoint, though she does show pictures which she needs to speak about. Fr Mark delivered us a portable screen to go with it, and I took projector and screen over the school and set them up in advance, so we could have a nice relaxed evening catching up, before going early to bed, and making an unhurried start to an important day.

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