Monday 8 August 2016

Unwarranted intruder

The house resumes its quiet and empty countenance now that the rest of the family has gone its separate ways. But there's cleaning, washing, re-stocking the larder, a funeral to prepare for and work routine to ease back into. I went in to the office in the afternoon, updated Libre Office on three computers there and delivered the spare Nexus tablet to Ian, which I prepared for new use at the end of last week. It took ages to do as it required five successive Android updates to complete before it was ready for use. 

Jasmine left a drawer full of clothes behind, so a Skype call was necessary to sort items for mailing to Arizona, and those to keep for next time. Late evening we had a call to say that Rachel and Kath had made a recording of our Golden Wedding anniversary tribute song. Then, within minutes the MP3 file was emailed and we were listening again. Such a wonderful souvenir, along with all the photos.

When I came to install the same Libre Office update on home computers, one completed routinely, but the other announced a warning about the installation file, issued by 'Bytefence', which I'd never heard of before. I checked the installed programs list and found a Bytefence app was installed there the day after I returned from Spain. How it got there, I have no idea. It didn't have my consent to be installed. I googled the name and found it was a known piece of Anti-Malware software, but some security critics noted that it plays around with default browser settings in manner that could leave a vulnerability to security exploits. It uninstalled easily. Doing this showed it had changed some default browser settings. How this came to install itself on my laptop without me knowing is something of a worry, as I didn't visit any sites that I don't use regularly. What am I missing?

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