Thursday 16 August 2018

Goings, comings and not yet arrivals

A very early start Tuesday morning, with Ann and Clare up at five for a six thirty train to Geneva Airport. Clare will accompany her to the departure gate, and then head into the city to meet several old friends. After their departure I returned to bed for a couple of hours, before getting on with the usual domestic tasks of the day.

This past few days Jane and I have been worried at the lack of response to emails from the bride in Nigeria who has requested a wedding blessing, We've been waiting a week to see a digital copy of the civil wedding certificate, before we can proceed with arrangements. And we have to see the original as well, just before the wedding. Photos have appeared on Nigerian social media of the ceremony, so there's no good reason, having promised us to send a copy, that we shouldn't have received it.

So, we've been thinking today about sending a formal letter to her, with the approval of Archdeacon Adele, explaining the consequences of this inaction. Fortuitously Adele visited us yesterday afternoon and stayed for supper. She'd come to brief church council members about interviewing a prospective candidate for the job as Chaplain today. I'm so delighted to know that they have someone who is interested in the job. it's been a long wait, nearly two years. This church has continued to function well and pretty normally during the interregnum.

After breakfast we went off early into town to do some shipping leaving the house empty and tidy for the candidate's visit. The process seemed to have gone well, but it'll be a little while before the candidate's decision is made known, and then a lot longer until a name is announced publicly. It's all very hush-hush, to avoid gossip and politicking around the names of candidates. This time Bishop Robert has proposed someone, as advertising the post was unsuccessful. Supply of suitable priests falls far short of demand these days.

An email to the bride setting a deadline for response, suitably approved by Authority, was sent off this evening. Meanwhile we wait and wonder what's going on out there.

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