Thursday 21 January 2021

Normality returns, step by step

How cheering to wake up with sun shining through the window this morning! It clouded over again later but stayed dry. Despite overnight rain, the Taff water level was lower by half a metre, so no flooded fields When I was walking in Pontcanna Fields in the hour before sunset, the temperature dropped sharply. There was no wind at ground level, but the sky cleared from the north east, a high altitude weather front driving clouds to the southwest as the sun's rays dappled them with an orange hue - half the sky was bright blue, the other half what they call a 'mackerel sky'. Unusual and spectacular to see! 

Last week we both received, a few days apart, our driving license renewal letters. I  first had to renew after an eyesight test at seventy, and now again. My! Those five years passed quickly! Clare filled in the paper form. I did mine on-line, and the new license arrived in today's post. I have to cut it up and mail the pieces back to the DVLA. It doesn't say in the instructions if the address is freepist, but it doesn't mention the customary stamped addressed envelope either. Odd 

President Joe Biden has been busy since his inauguration yesterday rescinding many of the executive orders issued by Trump, who took America out of WHO membership, out of the Paris climate accord, and approved a major Arctic oil exploration project in Alaska. It has frightening potential to cause environmental damage while continuing to produce fossil fuel while the race is on globally to achieve zero carbon energy production to mitigate global warming. It's such a relief that a leader with global standing and credibility is now in charge. 

Top of his priority list is an activating a plan to get American vaccinated and controlling the pandemic. It was great to hear America's top public health spokesman, Dr Anthony Faucci on the news this morning, celebrating the country's return to WHO membership, and praising its many achievements in relation to global health. He was often under fire during the Trump regime for insisting on the seriousness of the pandemic while Trump tried to play it down, repeating all sorts of spurious 'facts' unsupported by science. Truth will out. He stood his ground and been vindicated.

There's no doubt that Biden's aim to reconcile the factions into which the country is now polarised. Hearing and understanding what disaffected people want and acting on this in response to their real needs is going to be a real challenge.

This evening, Clare wanted to watch Biden's inauguration on iPlayer catch-up. Having hear the speech, I opted to watch a couple of episodes of 'Spiral / Engrenages' instead, and then 'New Amsterdam'. I didn't have much energy for doing anything more creative. The Seton's suture is giving me pain in the wound at the moment but the wound looks healthy. The pain may be a consequence of wound closure, so the suture's not as loose as it was, and its free end sticks into me, like a needle or a thorn. I need to exercise a lot and be careful how I sit or lie, and never for too long.

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