Saturday 23 January 2021

Series end, no plot spoiler yet!

A frosty sunny morning with clear blue skies to stat with. Pancakes for breakfast after a lie-in, then a walk around the Fields. There was a police car stationed at the entrance to the sports changing room car park. Masked officers were stopping and questioning drivers entering to see if they had sufficient reason not to be arriving on foot. They were also helpful to walkers as the road was covered with black ice but thanks to last night's frost still affecting in the shaded area and making it tricky to negotiate. 

Park footpaths were well populated with people walking, riding or standing chatting, not alway socially distanced, so we kept our distance by walking on the grass. Although the soil remains waterlogged, the grass and surface layer were frozen and enjoyably crisp to walk on, at least in the shade. Getting out in the morning recently when it's been sunny has been a treat as the light is different from the afternoon. I tend to go out again for a shorter walk in the afternoon, perhaps to the shops. The more sunlight I can absorb the better. The day is already three quarters of an hour longer than it was at winter solstice, and as I don't have any pressing commitments, it does me good to get out as much as is practicable.

In the evening I watched the final episode of the eighth and last series of 'Spiral / Engrenages' on iPlayer, wondering with some apprehension what kind of conclusion there would be to a story of crime fighting in Paris that's been running for fifteen years, and has always been relevant and disturbingly through changing times in the social issues it has touched upon. Apprehension is very much an indicator of how much I've come to care about the main characters Laure and Gilou, the team they lead and the lawyers they have to deal with. It's an indication of how well written it has been. It would be unfair to say anything about the way it ended until it's been broadcast on BBC Four and my sister June has watched it and we've discussed it, as we often do. 


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