Thursday 5 September 2024

Outreach from RWCMD

Overcast and raining this morning. I posted today's Morning Prayer YouTube link to WhatsApp just before 'Thought for the Day' and dozed until half past eight with the news on in the background, and then got up. After breakfast, I completed next week's Morning Prayer video and uploaded it. 

Chicken with chorizo for my lunch. Clare had salmon. We had an invitation to 'Connect' event at RWCMD mid-afternoon in which staff presented various aspects of the College's work with its 900 students - actors, musicians, composers, singers, conductors, stage and costume designers with a drink and a scone in the foyer to finish. It was still raining as we set out, and dauntingly few buses into town, so we walked. I took  a route that offered the shortest direction with optimal tree cover, but was soaked by the time we arrived.

The presentations were interesting and inspiring, though music for the introductory video was painfully loud. Katie Bartels the 2024 Stoutzker prizewinner, played two remarkable and technically difficult pieces on the flute to top and tail the presentations. A phenomenal young virtuoso. It was marvellous to learn of the range of College community projects providing opportunities for students to work with performing artists in residential workshops and events, practising the artistic disciplines with which they hope to earn a living after graduation.

By tea time it had stopped raining, so we were able to re-trace our steps across Bute Park and up through Pontcanna Fields back home in time for supper. Before we went out earlier I checked my Panasonic TZ95 and found it wouldn't switch on when I wanted to take a photo of a large bird on a TV antenna on the other side of the street. There wasn't time to investigate the reason, so I grabbed my battered Sony HX90 and used it instead. I don't use it much nowadays, but the battery hasn't lost charge. The first thing to do when we got back was put the TZ95 on charge, leave it for a while, then try switching it on. Panic over. The battery had been totally flat.

A few days ago one of my Olympus cameras needed recharging as well, and this I did, forgetting that I had another in need of a re-charge too. Slowly I've got used to the TZ95 and its peculiarities, still on automatic settings. Its extensive manual options are still beyond me, but it gives me some good results, now that I've learned to use the viewfinder without altering the focal point on the touch screen with the tip of my nose.

This evening, I went for a walk after dark in the park to complete my daily quota and get a breath of fresh air. The rain had ceased and a warm wind was blowing, such a change after a wet afternoon. Before I went out I found that Channel 4's Walter Presents is now showing a second series of the excellent 'Lolita Lobosco' stories. I couldn't resist watching the first episode before going to bed. Late again.

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