I woke up about half past seven, dozed until Thought for the Day, then got up to make breakfast. The sky was mostly clear with cloud patches on the horizon as the sun appeared just before eight so I grabbed the nearest camera I could find in my office the HX300 and took a few pleasing photos.
It's sad there's a lens sensor fault which displays a persistent error message on screen making it tiring to use for any length of time, as the fault has made no difference to lens quality. Getting it repaired would be more expensive than buying an equivalent new one. Such a pity.
Housework after breakfast, then I spent the rest of the morning recording and editing another Morning Prayer and Reflection for a week Wednesday. Editing took me a little longer than usual, and I had to finish the job after lunch. It's just as well that Clare had already planned a meal and was cooking.
An electrician she hired came at eleven to repair the bathroom light switch. Recently, when pulling the cord the light came on and flickered. If you held the string for long enough it might turn on properly, or not as the case may be. It wasn't a matter of adjustment, but an unusual fault in the switch mechanism, the electrician said. It needed replacing, fortunately it wasn't too expensive. For him it was only ten minutes work.
It was gone three by the time I went out, first to the Co-op for the weekly heavy load of shopping and then for a walk in the park. Having started an hour later the sun set, was I was walking along the river bank. It felt very chilly and I was glad that I'd changed top coats after doing the shopping, for the long fleece lined one bought in last year's sale. It's heavy and has no useful inside pockets, but it's warm. I may get away with wearing something lighter underneath, perhaps even a big sweater. We'll see.
After supper I watched three more episodes of the Norwegian drama 'Lykkeland' before turning in for the night. It's so well written and well paced it sustains interest and is compelling to watch. No wonder it's won 12 movie industry awards and 11 nominations besides.
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