Tuesday 22 November 2016

Tintern in the rain

Another glum wet day and for us a journey east to the Wye Valley to rendezvous with Mike and Gail in Tintern. Not long after we set out, we had a text message saying there could be traffic delays for them on the M5 out of Worcester, but despite continuous rain and slow traffic to start with, we all arrived at eleven in car park 'The Anchor Inn', opposite Tintern Abbey. It was too wet to do anything but hang out in the pub, where we sat and talked drank coffee and ate lunch until gone two. 
The rain stopped as we finished, so we walked up to the bridge, crossed the Wye, and walked along the woodland track along the valley on the English side for an hour. The river was swollen, fast flowing with brownish red water chasing the receding tide. 
The Severn estuary reaches right up the valley as far as Bigsweir, five miles north of Tintern, creating a rich complex ecosystem for a huge variety of flora and fauna. The tide rises and falls by eight metres, so by this evening, the river level may be worryingly high for those living nearby. 

As we reached our cars it started to rain again, though not as fiercely as earlier. We parted company to give us time to reach home before dark, and the onset of evening peak traffic. It was so good to get out, defy the miserable weather and enjoy the company of friends. Whatever the weather, Tintern and the Wye Valley is such a beautiful area, and when we lived in Chepstow when the children were growing up, it was one of those places I'd have been happy to settle in retirement, if only housing hadn't been so unaffordable, then as now.

Clare went to her choir rehearsal after tea. I didn't feel like going out in the rain again to resume Tai Chi classes, and spent the evening doing very little, mostly wondering what to do next in life. Time for another change, I think.

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