Saturday, 15 October 2011

Call me an unbeliever if you will ....

I drove to Kenilworth with Owain yesterday afternoon. Clare had gone ahead to a Eurythmy conference in Stourbridge, and she arrived after we did, so that we could as a family celebrate Kath's 40th and Clare's 66th birthdays, several weeks after these events. We went to a Loch Fyne restaurant which was crowded and busy, but very well run with excellent cuisine.  The restaurant was pleasantly suffused with cooking smells, giving a good impression of homeliness, despite its considerable size.

I slept on in the morning, so long I missed most of the heroic Welsh Rugby defeat, eating breakfast alone. It's impressive that the Wales Millennium Stadium had a full house of spectators watching the event live from New Zealand. Technology again abolishing distance. We still had to drive home into the setting sun this afternoon, however. The roads were fairly clear when we got back to Cardiff, most fans would have gone home after the morning's match, with only a historic disappointment to celebrate.

Owain reproaches me for my disinterest in our National Game. I can't help it if I prefer the Millennium Centre and its grand opera, to Millennium Stadium shouting. It makes me think of kids watching a playground fight. We don't seem to have come far from the era of  'bread and circuses'.

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