I'm usually pretty bad about preparing to travel, doing it all at the last minute, but this time I started the day before, the reason being that Clare's cousin John and his wife Dorothy were going to called in on their way home from holidaying in Devon to have lunch with us today, before we set out. It must be seven years since we saw them last, so it was good to catch up, albeit for only a couple of hours.
At three we were taken to Cardiff Central station by our neighbour Mary for the first leg of a journey to Santa Pola, for a brief respite from the rain clouds. Our plane was on time and delivered us to Alicante airport at ten past eleven. There seemed to be nobody on duty at passport control, and our only case was the twenty second to come off the swift silent new baggage conveyor belt in a vast new terminal, which was still being built when we were here last, two years ago. We stepped straight into a taxi and set foot into Anto's apartment at eleven forty five. It's marvellous when everything works so well.
This morning we woke before dawn to see a sliver of waning moon set amidst layers of distant clouds, half an hour or so before the sun rose out of the Mediterranean to the north of the isle of Tabarca. A numonous sight like this is great way to mark the beginning of our stay. After breakfast, we walked the couple of miles to the nearest supermarket to get food, and then walked back fully laden in the midday sun, both of us feeling quite energetic despite a late night and early rise.
We had salad and fresh fried sardines for lunch. Then I slipped into a refreshing sleep, before hooking up the 3G wireless dongle I'd borrowed from work to make this posting. As you can see, it works a treat, and this means I don't have to lug my notebook into town and find the public library wi-fi. A gratifying experience.
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