Saturday, 26 November 2011

End and beginning

Here we are, last day of the liturgical year. The Mass Gospel this morning had Jesus warning his disciples to be on the alert in order to be responsive in the coming last days (Of the world? Or of his life? Probably both) "Be on your guard so that your hearts are not weighed down by dissipation and drunkenness, and the worries of this life." Quite suitable for Advent, and all its pre-Christmas celebrations. We have our first 'winterval' outing tonight - Clare's choir dinner. As she's unable to drive until her cataracts are removed, it'll be an alcohol free night for me, and viewing part two of  'The Killing II' on BBC iPlayer tomorrow night. But quite apart from that, Advent is upon us - one of my favourite seasons of the Christian year. It helps me cope cheerily with the encroaching winter darkness.

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