Saturday, 19 November 2011


After saying Mass at St German's this morning, Clare and I went out for an expensive coffee and croissant at Creme in King's Road. After lunch we went into town for a shopping expedition, ending up at St John's for Evensong. The congregation were welcoming a party from Trellech congregation in Monmouth diocese. Their Vicar, Sandra Howells was a lay person in the congregation at Chepstow when Clare and I lived there and I worked for USPG. Clare and Sandra got a Bible Study group going which was one of the things that helped to spark Sandra's vocation. It must be twenty years since we last met - such a delight. With the party was Father James Coutts, former Vicar of Monouth, retired some ten years ago and living in Sandra's Parish. It was good to meet him again, looking fit and well. It's a lot longer than ten years since we last met at Ty Mawr.

With tomorrow's sermon taken care of earlier in the week, I had time for some writing, and to watch the first couple of episodes of the serialised Danish crime drama 'The Killing II'. We seem to be in for another month of exploration of Danish politics addressing issues of xenophobia and islamophobia. It's made extra interesting through the close quarters portrayal of wheeling and dealing in a coalition government. That's the rather prominent backdrop of another murder investigation by eagle eyed Sara Lund, whose near autistic attention to detail enables her to join up dots and notice patterns nobody else can see because they are so busy over-reacting the the pressures on them. It's half the length of the first series, maybe more intense. Will it hold up a mirror to our own situation?

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