Monday 26 August 2013

A Bank Holiday walk

Before I went out food shopping this morning, I thought I'd better call the solicitor making tomorrow's funeral arrangements and check on the time arranged, as I'd heard nothing over the weekend. I was told that the next of kin had intervened and arranged for the Catholic priest in Nerja to take the service today. I had not been contacted because Fr Geoff's contact details were in the office, not at home. I received a lame apology, but there was nothing more to do or say. At least it means my entire day is free after taking Clare to the airport for her flight. What might I do, where might I go, I wonder?

After lunch we walked inland up the rio Chillar into the Parque Natural Sierras de Tejeda Almijara and Alhama, up to the hydro turbine building - as far as I walked on my last visit. It was lovely to share this delightful environment with Clare. I spotted and snapped a black winged dragonfly, but three of my four photos - the ones with the wings open - were out of focus. I don't recall ever seeing anything like this before, and with such unusual shaped wings, as you can see from this.
The profile picture I took is a little clearer, and reveals the length of this creature's body. Amazing!
I also caught a glimpse of a yellow wagtail, pretty much in the same stretch of river as I saw one on my previous visit, but the birds were few and far between on this late afternoon at the end of summer. 

During our three hour excursion, we passed scores of walkers, many in family groups with youngsters. It occurred to me that the school holidays were about to end, and this was a last opportunity to get out and walk together before the routines of pedagogy took hold of everyday life again. Summer Bank Holiday in the UK too, come to think of it.

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