Sunday 10 August 2014

Elusive supermoon shots

A rainy Sunday, so I drove to St Catherine's to open up the church and celebrate the eight o'clock Eucharist, to avoid getting soaked. The weather had cleared up sufficiently to permit me to return on foot to celebrate and preach at ten thirty. I returned home and cooked lunch while Clare made her usual trip to Riverside Market for some cheeses. We didn't need vegetables this week as we still had enough left form last week, augmented by midweek and Sunday purchases from St Catherine's church garden. Intermittent rain the rest of the day gave us little incentive to go out anywhere. Around midnight I took my camera out into the garden to take pictures of the so called 'supermoon', the brightest full moon of the year, so they say. The sky was laced with cloud, I got some interesting shots at different settings, but none of them proved satisfactory enough to keep. Night photography, despite the capabilities of my present arsenal of equipment, is something I must learn to do better to get results worth keeping.

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