Sunday 15 March 2015

Refreshment Sunday

Neither Clare nor I felt up to the expected over domestication of mid Lent Sunday services, so we got up early and went to the eight o'clock at St Catherine's. While Clare went to the market, I walked to the Cathedral for the eleven o'clock Sung Eucharist, once more against the tidal flow of organised fun-runners. I was hoping to find the main Common Lectionary readings and themes were followed and not the 'pastoral' alternatives and wasn't disappointed. 

Haydn's Organ Mass was sung, Dean Gerwyn preached a well crafted poetic sermon on the Cross, referring to a couple of personal stories in a way that pointed to his theme, not to himself. There was a ceremony to clothe two new chorister, and commission two new choir leaders. The nave was fuller than my last visit, and I came away feeling quite uplifted and happy, strolling home in the sunshine. To cap it all, Owain cooked lunch for us, and we had a good chat before he left for Bristol and an early night before starting his new job tomorrow.

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