Thursday 17 December 2015

O Sapientia

After breakfast, a massage came from Julie in the office, puzzled because she was unable to log into her workstation with her usual credentials. Earlier in the week I'd used the machine to try OneNote, which required a different log-in, but after I'd logged in using her credentials. I didn't understand why she didn't have the usual menu of login options, so I left early for the office, to troubleshoot, while she worked on another machine, as a precaution - just in case there was a security issue behind it.

I was able to rectify the situation, but am still unsure why this machine doesn't offer the same full option menu as other Windows 7 upgraded machine I've worked on. At least she now has a way of accessing user accounts she needs. Then, I worked for several hours on completing the migration of the last one third of the user information dataset to OneNote, and making sure it was accessible on the various machines used in the office. One job I was glad to see the back of. My next task will be to look at alternative software apps, to see if they offer more functionality, and if it's possible to interchange datasets between different apps.

I went home early, quite tired with all the head-work, and had a rest before going out to Russell and Jackie's house for their annual pre-Christmas celebration - some stories, some carols, an a mediative lighting of their Christmas tree. There were about twenty people squeezed into their lounge. It was nice and relaxing, with good food and conversation afterwards, and I didn't have to do anything apart from enjoy a quiet evening with friendly people. A lovely respite.

It's a week to Christmas, and tonight, the first Great 'O' Advent antiphon of anticipation is said at the Magnificat, inviting meditation on a cosmic scale. Quite appropriate for a week which has seen the celebration in the media by mathematicians, and astro-physicists of the centenary of Albert Einstein's publication of relativity theory equations,

O Wisdom, 
you come forth from the mouth of the Most High. 
You fill the universe, and hold all things together 
in a strong yet gentle manner. 
O come to teach us the way of truth.

Einstein is understood to be an exceptional human being. His mathematical conclusions are regarded with the kind of awe and wonder resembling idolatry, if it were not for the fact that its apparent perfection is limited to interpreting the macro but not the micro universe (which relies on quantum mathematical theory). Both kinds of mathematics are subject to theoretical testing and scientific verification that treats nothing in the universe of knowledge is sacred, no matter how much it's relied upon. Investigators are still looking for a Grand Theory of Everything - mathematics that will unify the macro and the micro dimensions of the universe. It's going to be the next great break-through when it comes, we're told by the confident. Why be skeptical of such a great intellectual adventure? However much we succeed in explaining of realities we can perceive, there will always be 'things unseen'. We cannot go beyond our selves, our universe, beyond the limits of imagination to see the whole from above and beyond, because we are not the author of our own existence at any level. One alone is above and beyond all things, and is in all and through all things. The more we know, the more the Unknown remains approachable only through openness to awe and wonder, love and praise.

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