Monday 30 December 2019

Foot ache

We spent yesterday morning chatting with Katie, looking at remarkable videos of Kirra her son, performing athletically with a diablo. Kirra's partner is pregnant, which means that Katie will be a granny in the spring. She's delighted about this naturally. Her mum Jill rang and each of us spoke with her, in our case this was for the first time in decades. She left us at lunchtime with a picnic, so she could stop on the outskirts of Chepstow and make some drawings of the Severn Estuary and bridges. While she was with us, she kept checking Australian news feeds on her phone, as wild-fires continue to ravage the inland region of the state of Victoria to the north of her Melbourne home. A worrying time to be so far away.

I had another long walk later in the afternoon. My recent visit to the podiatrist dealt with painful corns in a satisfactory way, and I bought a couple of pairs of new more comfortable shoes, but when I walk more than five miles, I get unpleasant pains in the ball of my right foot, no matter what shoes I wear. I understand that ageing leads to thinning of the cushion of tissue covering the sole of my foot, and I wear strong insoles now to compensate, but this doesn't deal with what develops. I guess it may be to do with uneven gait, as a result of my open wound. It doesn't take much to create an imbalance that leads to unusual stresses somewhere, whether the knee joint or the foot. Daily walking is a real lifeline for me. I'd like to do more, and not be limited by foot pain. It's difficult to know what to do about this.

After a break I have resumed working on my short story transformed into a novel. There's not enough of interest on telly at the moment to distract me.

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