Saturday 17 July 2021

Real heat

A lazy lie in, and Saturday pancake breakfast with blueberries for a change. A really hot day today 26C, and for once I'm not missing being in Spain. It's troubling to think that from Holland to Switzerland, a month's rain overnight has brought catastrophe with over a hundred and twenty dead so far and more people still unaccounted for. The most forceful evidence yet of the fearful reality of climate change.

My creative streak continued and I spent the morning writing and recording another reflection. Then Clare and I went for a brief walk around Thompson's park before I cooked mussels and green beans with rice and carrots for lunch a bit later than usual.

While walking in the park after lunch I listened to a play on Radio Four about spying in the run-up to the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo, the spark which led to the outbreak of the first world war and the end of the Habsburg Empire. I don't know if it was fictional or not, but it made good listening. I spotted a crested grebe swimming in the Taff. We've seen them in the Bay Wetland Area, but to see one so far upstream is unusually rare. I wonder why?

We had supper out in the garden, as it was still nicely warm. Then I binge watched last night's episode of 'Nordic Murders' and tonight's episode of 'Beck' on catch-up. To warm to do much else.

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