Tuesday 14 September 2021

Creative flow returns

Monday morning alongside domestic chores and cooking lunch, I set my mind to work on a new piece of creative writing. For some weeks I have been reflecting on the life and times of St German and looking for a way of showing how stories about him relate to some of our contemporary issues and concerns. I began with thinking about a series of talks and seminars, but decided that would involve too much organising and recruiting, thinks I no longer have to contacts to make happen. 

Then it occurred to me that a sequence of playlets around scenes from his life could be a good way of conveying ideas and getting them discussed especially if I could turn them into a podcast. So I started writing in free moments in between jobs and a afternoon walk, then again after going over to St German's to celebrate the Vigil Mass of Holy Cross Day, which is tomorrow. I was surprised  at how easily dialogue came to mind, and how quickly time passed. 

Imaginative exercise has raised my spirits. I don't suffer from writers' block, but I've imposed limits on my imagination this past year or so, putting much of my effort into following scientific developments from day to day, putting as much energy into reasoning and understanding what's going on as an antidote to fear and despair. I feel as if I've been let out of my walled garden and set free to roam the world, even if it is the rather ancient world of fifth century Gaul my mind is exploring at the moment!

This morning I drove to Thornhill to officiate at a funeral followed by a burial in the cemetery. Rain was expected but none came thankfully. The chapel seating capacity has new returned to what it was before the pandemic, and people are free to sing hymns, though not to remove their masks indoors. A grand daughter of the deceased gave the tearful eulogy. Her father died suddenly as lock-down began and only ten could be at his funeral. Fifty family and friends turned out today and instinctively spread themselves out in the chapel, many of them would have been mourners at her father funeral as well, so it was a kind of catch-up in recognising their double loss, which I was keen to do. Several present expressed their appreciation for this afterwards.

After lunch, I did my daily exercise then continued writing until after supper. again this week I watched last night's episode of 'Silent Witness' on iPlayer and then tonight's episode live. This introduced a new character a bright teenager who was profoundly deaf and communicated brilliantly with sign language and mobile phone text messaging. It really gave a lift to the proceedings. One story thread seemed to develop and then vanish inconclusively, unless it's going to return as part of another story next week of course.

More writing, then bed.

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