Tuesday 28 April 2015

Remembering where the adventure began

This morning the weekly Mercadillo was in full session when I walked out and uphill into the neighbouring urbanizacion of St Juan Capistrano to visit Carol and Lawrence for our 49 year catch up. Their small house is quite high up with a view out and over the sea with a large 18th century watch tower nearby, somewhat incongruously placed in the garden of one of the modern houses. The skies had cleared and we were able to sit out on the terrace to drink coffee and talk, and eventually have lunch. 
It was a lovely experience, as both of them had spent their professional lives in education and are active in the life of their local parish in High Wycombe. Both are committed internationalists, europhiles and liberal multi-culturalists, so we had a great deal in common and much to reflect upon together. Lawrence is a Lay Reader and works on Christian - Muslim dialogue and reconciliation in their local community. He has remarkable stories to tell of good-will and trust building, that give the lie to phobic news mongers whose shrill anxious voices so dominate the contemporary stage. It made me feel proud to have been part of that Swinging Sixties cohort - we have made a difference to the common mind set!

The couple were introduced at University by John, a mutual friend with whom they are still in close touch. Carol insisted in ringing him up and getting me to speak to him out of the blue. He seemed quite bemused initially. John ran a study group for Anglican students, on J A T Robinson's landmark religious paperback book, which was such a strong influence in not simply retaining but developing my faith and vocation at that time - 'Honest to God'. He was the first, indeed the only person to ask me "Have you ever thought of becoming a Vicar?" It all happened from there, in the spring of 1964. Carol and Lawrence return to Britain tomorrow, but will be back again not long before I leave, when surely we will continue where we left off.

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