Sunday 12 May 2019

First sighting

The highlight of a slow and lazy Saturday was an afternoon walk along the Taff for tea in Llandaff. On the river just above Blackweir, we had this year's first sighting of a Mallard brood. Ten tiny ducklings out on the water swimming with mum, with dad further downstream hanging out with another drake. That's two weeks earlier that my first sighting last year. I wasn't terribly pleased with the photo I took, hand held at forty metres. Better luck next time, hopefully.

I watched the first two episodes of a new Canadian crimmie series of 'Cardinal' on BBC Four in the evening. The landscape setting is beautiful, but the story line pretty grim. The sort of thing you watch if there's nothing better to do, and you've seen all the repeat episodes of NCIS several times over. A new series of Inspector Montalbano episodes is being advertised as coming soon. Now that is something to look forward to.

This morning I celebrated and preached at St Catherine's, which I enjoyed. I was disappointed to have missed yesterday's churchyard open day organised by RSPB with local entomologists showing how richly populated the terrain is with different kinds of insects, making it a paradise for birds as well. It was very pleasing to hear that over a hundred people attended. 

Although I'm able to function quite well when I need to these days, this is often followed by a bout of tiredness that's hard to fight. This accounted for my slow start yesterday, missing the churchyard event I'd wanted to attend, and this afternoon, taking an extra long siesta instead of going out and enjoying the lovely sunshine we're having at the moment. I feel a bit like an old phone with a battery which discharges more rapidly than when it was first new. I hope this due to so much energy being taken up by the body repairing itself, as apart from this I'm feeling well. After all it's not much to complain about really, when I think how terrible last autumn was..

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