Tuesday 20 August 2019

Cosmopolitan footpaths

As the new cement rendering on the rear of the house is stable and dry, the surface was painted a pale magnolia colour yesterday, the first coating. There are also a few finishing touches to fit in, relating to rain proofing the window double glazing mounts, important details. 

It rained in the night, but by the time the painters began the sun was shining and surfaces were drying off, and in four hours it was done. I stayed in while the workers were present. Clare went out and did some food shopping, then went to the gym. Later in the afternoon, after the workers had left for the day, I took my daily walk. As it had been sunny I went out again with no top coat, and was rained upon, not much, just enough to make me feel annoyed and resentful. 

In the evening I read some more of Poveda's 'El Maestro'. Kath has been reading the first of his trilogy 'El Profesor' during siesta hours on holiday in Crete. She's been posting lovely sunny holiday photos on WhatsApp. A few days ago the three of them did the six hour Samaria Gorge walk, we did that in the early nineties. I wonder if we'll get around to doing it again one day?

No painter today, just the builder's man, completing work on the windows. I walked into town for a change and returned through Bute Park. It's lovely, no matter which route you take, and so well used by holidaymakers, students and other city residents. Walking the footpaths of our city open spaces so much, I'm struck by the relative infrequency of hearing people conversing in English. You'll hear Welsh, Spanish, French, German, Italian, but also Polish, Chinese, Arabic, Malaysian, Urdu, and Hindi spoken. It's a measure of how international Cardiff has become in recent years.

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