Monday 22 March 2021

Patience, a necessity

Sunshine and clouds again to start the week. I was surprised to find that Mother Francis posted the link to my video of last night's service on the Parish Prayer WhatsApp group, and a few people who weren't able to attend expressed their appreciation for this.

It wasn't such a cheerful start for me however, as the suture has been digging into the wound again, after a spell without trouble. Sometimes the preventative measures I take stop become ineffective. Remedying the problem is never without painful debilitating consequences, as the suture presses on the vagus nerve. It's not just the dull pain, but the way this drains me of energy that makes it so frustrating. It interferes with daily activity. Walking can ease the pressure, though not entirely. It slows my page noticeably - not the pain, but energy drain that accompanies it.

I walked for an hour before cooking lunch and for another hour after a post-lunch siesta. To take my mind off it, I took thirty odd photos of buds and blossoms with my Olympus OMD10 to add to an album from which I propose to make a video slide show, and possibly a photo book. I've asked Mark if he'd like to accompany this with suitable solo violin. It's something he could use to promote his music making and I could use to present the photo book, if I decide to go into production.

I had a good conversation this afternoon with Mark and Fran about the icon video presentation we're to make tomorrow. They sent me a script which we discussed, along with ideas about shots we hope to get, once we've settled on a background setting within the church. I'm excited about working with others on a creative project. I can't remember when the last time I did anything collaboratively.

In Wales from today, supermarkets are allowed to sell non-essential items again, and garden centres can re-open. I suspect they are going to be very busy for the next week or so. Clare is keen to visit, a garden centre, but neither of us are keen to brave the crowds at the moment. She has a hairdressing appointment with Chris for this coming Friday, right at the end of the day. He's so busy that's the best he could do to fit her in.

After supper, I decided to lie on the bed for comfort and watch NCIS episodes on my Chromebook, but it wasn't that comfortable. Sleep seems to be the best remedy for limiting the distress the wandering suture causes. I'm supposed to be having a phone consultation with Mrs Cornish the surgeon on Wednesday morning. Just as well this has happened now, as I won't forget to tell her. Clare says I'm prone to forget to mention bad days when I have a run of good ones. 

I've come to accept setbacks and stay mindful of the slow but overall persistent progress I have made. And that calls for qualified optimism. Set-backs happen, they mess me about, but I've had some experiences of seeking medical help that were a waste of time as the problem called for surgical expertise, and that's simply not there on call when you need it. Unless it's critical - life threatening or psychosis inducing - you have to wait in turn. It's what being a patient means,

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