Thursday 21 April 2022

Booster invite

I woke up early and posted the link to WhatsApp for today's Morning Prayer before Thought for the Day. I got up and made breakfast, but in the course of putting things on the table accidentally dropped a jar of orange blossom honey, Clare's favourite. Such a sad loss, first thing in the morning, and so messy to clear up, shards of glass mixed in with orange stickiness on the floor by the table. Then I went to St John's and celebrated the Eucharist with four others. 

In the post this morning, appointment notifications for both of us to attend Splott vaccination centre for our second booster jab next week. I wondered what the impact of this would be so close to having covid, and called the booking line to ask the question. After a ten minute wait, I was told that a delay of twenty eight days was considered acceptable by medical opinion. The appointment would be plus or minus a day that amount of time after contracting the infection. I was given the choice of postponing it, and decided to take an appointment ten days later instead. Clare intends to do the same, given the difficulty of travelling about with her current level of back pain.

Clare took delivery of a special order of fish for freezing from Ashton's and had just finished stowing it away when I arrived home to cook lunch. As Kath is coming this evening to stay for a few days, I then cooked a pasta sauce ready for this evening's meal. Then I recorded next Thursday's Morning Prayer and reflection, before going for a walk in the park. The second Snoopy sculpture in Llandaff Fields has now disappeared. I counted four of them in the city centre a couple of days ago. Easier to keep an eye on with ubiquitous CCTV of course. The plinth on which the sculpture was mounted has been shifted a metre or so, and a tiny picket fence erected around its base. Was it meant to deter little climbers? Too late. Doggone.

Kath arrived just before seven, and after we'd eaten we sat and talked until eleven. It was great to hear stories of the Wriggledance 'Squidge' tour, and all its technical challenges and nightmares, and of the dance workshops she's been doing with people our age and older. It made me very proud and happy indeed.

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