Wednesday 27 April 2022

Master of design

Bright and sunny today, but with a cold wind. I went to St Catherine's and celebrated the Eucharist with seven others this morning. Mother Frances contacted me as I was about to leave for church to ask if I'd take a funeral from St Peter's Fairwater as Emma is on sick leave at the moment. This service is with local Splott based family funeral company White Rose Funerals that I've not come across before. Intriguingly, the names of family members involved in the business are Arabic. Very much a reflection of the diversity of today's Cardiff.

Clare's back is improving every so slightly, though still very painful. She bought half a dozen bedding plants when she went out for her morning walk, and after cooking and eating lunch, I planted them. Her bad back doesn't let her to do tasks like that at the moment. Then I went and collected this week's order from Beanfreaks, then slept in the chair for an hour. I mustn't complain about losing time sleeping if I wake up feeling refreshed and clear headed. It made my afternoon circuit of the park less of an effort.

In the evening I made the bereavement call to start preparing for the funeral in two weeks time, and then watched another fascinating editions of 'Secrets of the Museum', which featured the work of designer Sir Kenneth Grange, a man responsible for the form of hundreds of everyday objects, plus the Inter City 125 train during his seventy year career. He's still working at ninety two, and wouldn't think of retiring. He looks so young still doing what he's loved doing throughout his adult life. After that, I finished watching French crimmie 'Inside' set in a mental hospital - the ultimate in complex psychological drama!

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