Monday 23 September 2024

Demand led

All day overcast with persistent light rain until late afternoon. After breakfast I did all the housework, to spare Clare as much physical effort as possible while she's recovering from her eye surgery. I had to do it in stages, as early day stiffness makes everything an effort until I'm really warmed up. All due to ageing, sad to say. 

Then I cooked lunch, a veggie stir fry with prawns and brown rice. I've done it several times before but still can't get the amount of chilli powder correctly so it's no more than a hint of heat as Clare prefers i though it wasn't really an all-afternoon mouth burner. Practice makes perfect I suppose. After we'd eaten recorded Morning Prayer and a reflection for next week, using the 'Twisted Wave' Chromebook web app, then saving the file to Google Drive, using the Ogg Vorbis file format for a change, as an experiment, to see if it was possible to work with a .ogg sound file in Audacity for Windows, and it was. There are many more sound file formats than there are text file formats. Normally I'd record and edit just using Audacity. It's good experience learning how to handle sound files and interchange them between Chromium and Windows file storage arrangements, if the need arises to work with two devices at the same time.

It was tea time by the time I went for a walk. In my two hour long circuit, I visited the Tesco hypermarket on Western Avenue, in search of mini pork pies and a pack of gammon steaks. I browsed in the domestic dry goods area of the store for bargains, and was surprised to see the shelf when flash memory devices are kept completely empty. Is this a product area that's abandoned, or is there a delay in new stocks arriving? The store has stopped selling TVs and the such like, cameras and laptops disappeared years ago but some security camera systems are available for on-line order. Everything in retail is demand driven now. When I think of the range of computer magazines available on supermarket and newsagents' shelves 20-30 years ago, we were spoilt for choice. Nowadays the same content is consumed from computer news sites, and few specialised print magazines remain.

I got back in time to prepare supper, After eating I returned to editing the files I'd been working on earlier, then watched another episode of 'Grace' to end the day.

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