Wednesday 25 September 2024

Podcast planning

Overcast and more rain again today. We were five men only at the St Catherine's Eucharist this morning. It happens from time to time. I left the house too late to buy food bank donations  at the Co-op on my way there, so I went to Tesco's to buy groceries and dropped them off at St John's before their service began. It gave me an opportunity to ask Ruth if she'd be willing to be recorded for an interview about the Mothers' Union for a Parish Podcast series I'm planning to develop from scratch to showcase key aspects of church life in the Ministry Area, and further afield. Rufus has already agreed to be interviewed about his role as Welsh Ports Chaplain with the Missions to Seafarers. A few trial runs to start with, and assess how much time each takes to produce. We'll see how this works out in due course.

I collected the veggie bag from Chapter Arts Centre, topped up with the last big round courgettes and a handful of kidney beans from St Catherine's Church garden. It started raining steadily not long after I got home. Clare was already cooking a veggie stir fry with salmon for lunch, less distressed than she has been since her eye operation. Yesterday's hospital visit to check healing progress led to a stitch in the corner of her eye being trimmed. Thankfully, as a result, it's not as uncomfortable today.

After lunch I recorded the reflection written  for the week after next. We'll be in Tenby on holiday. I aim to be completely free that week. Then I went and collected the Beanfreaks order, and other food items from Tesco's. After that a cup of tea and an escargot Clare bought when she was out, as a treat for me. Then an hour's walk in the park before supper. Afterwards I watched another episode of 'Grace', and then bed.

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