Thursday 17 October 2024

Lost and found again

I woke up early and posted today's Morning Prayer YouTube link to WhatsApp, dozed for a while longer then got up and prepared breakfast. Fog persisted until well after nightfall, then the temperature dropped and the sky cleared slowly, as there wasn't much wind. When we got up this morning the sun was shining brightly through eastward moving clouds. A promising start to the day, such a contrast to yesterday. After breakfast, Clare's daily dip in the pool. A fire alarm sounded just after she got into the water. No smell of smoke nor dramatic sound from the building so we continued. Then the alarm stopped. A man came by to reassure us it was just a test. No pasa nada.

I realised that I lost a lens cap off my Olympus Pen 7 yesterday. Looking at dates and time of photos taken with it in the past 36 hours suggest a rough search area to check later. It's so small, it may have remained lying unnoticed in a gutter. It happened to me once before on the road by the stables in Pontcanna Fields. Let's see if I am lucky a second time.

While Clare was showering and washing her hair I took the opportunity of quiet in the lounge-diner area to record and edit audio for Morning Prayer on All Hallows Eve aka Martin Luther or Reformation Day. It was time to cook lunch by the time Clare appeared declaring her hunger, so a made an impromptu pasta dish with an assortment of veggies and a can of tuna fish. It turned out better than expected at short notice.

After lunch while Clare was having a siesta, I added another page to the semi fictional story I'm writing about my Grandpa - the days when he arrives and gets his first job, as a waiter in the NYC Yacht Club. Then we walked into town and I started to retrace my steps to the places where I'd recently stopped to take photos. There were fewer of them than I thought in fact. I noticed an advertisement for a local craft fair at the De Valence Pavilion in Upper Frog Street.  It's an events venue run by the town Council, quite near to the municipal market, so we went there and saw the range of local handmade potential gift items on sale. We came away with a beautifully made pastry rolling pin with an inlaid decorative spiral in contrasting dark wood, and a weighing scale decoratively painted in barge ware style colours. 

Rather than carry it with us, I walked straight back to Bryn y More with the components of the scales in two separate plastic bags, weighing about five kilos, hoping they wouldn't break, and left them in the car. No sooner than I set out, a shower of rain began and lasted for the quarter of an hour my uphill journey took. That was the only rain we had all afternoon. I hadn't bothered to wear a top coat and was pretty damp by the time Clare and I were reunited in the market hall vestibule. We walked the length of Upper and Lower Frog Streets, then along the Esplanade above South Beach, before retracing our steps through the town centre and returning for tea. One place where I may have lost the lens cap was the Old Chapel, but it had closed by the time we passed by.

When we got back, Clare started on packing up the content of the kitchen cupboards ready to put in the car, excluding remaining supplies for supper and breakfast. We must be out by ten thirty in the morning. I looked around the apartment once more to see if there was any place I'd not checked just in case, and there was. The foggy morning I woke up, I reached for my fleece to wear over my pyjamas when I went on to the terrace to take a picture, out of interest. And the fleece pocket was where I found the lens cap. Not lost at all, only forgotten, thank heavens.

After supper, I made a sketch of one past of the harbour with the life boat stations and the hill on which the remnants of Tenby Castle's keep still stand, along with a statue of Prince Albert the Good, who is very tiny in my poor landscape. A satisfying conclusion to my artistic challenge of the week with six drawings completed over six days. Another unexpected adventure in noticing the detail of how the world around me looks and is put together. I look forward to doing more!

And now, all my kit accounted for and packed away, time for an early night to conclude and enjoyable if sometimes tiring week.

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