Thursday 24 March 2011

It does you good

After working in the office this afternoon, I took the bus to Penarth to join the Tai Chi class there, held in Westbourne school. I'd returned too late to attend this weeks Tuesday class, and didn't want to miss out. Christie our teacher was away for the evening, and the class was run instead by one of her more experienced students, so I got to do some Chi Gung, and to practice some of the early moves from the Short Form Tai Chi sequence, which did me good. Best of all, I didn't have to wait long for buses to arrive on time, and to return home half an hour earlier than expected. It's all in the timing. Evenings, bus frequency is much lower, so there can be no hanging around when the class is over.

Hopefully, I'll do more Tai Chi as this year progresses, and eventually get back to where I'd reached when unfitness forced me to stop attending classes. The learning approach is different now. Much more care and attention to detail, more work to be done on physically absorbing every element of Chi Gung training for engaging in Tai Chi. It's like learning everything about words in a sentence before being let loose on assembing them into meaningful speech. You learn a lot more about yourself in the process, and I still notice a real benefit in health and well-being, and the ability to live with the unavoidable aches and pains of ageing.

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