Sunday 4 November 2018

Surprise birthday party and an unexpected bill shock

I celebrated and preached at St Catherine's this morning. There were over forty adults and twenty children present, several of the adults joining the children to receive a blessing at the altar, not just sending them up with another parent at ease with the practice. Good to see this happening.

For the second Sunday running we drove to Newport to have lunch with Martin. All his extended household have returned home now. Karim from Afghanistan, Chris and the lads from visiting family in Canada. It was Chris' birthday, and we only found out when we arrived. His Uncle and partner plus several friends also came. It was a delightful occasion with good food and conversation, even if I did eat a bit more than was good for me. My present condition requires me to eat carefully and moderately all the time or I can guarantee I will suffer if I don't. So serves me right.

Late evening I had an email from Neil, one of the churchwardens at St John's Montreux to say that a bill had been received addressed to me from the medical centre where I was operated upon some six weeks ago. He agreed to open it and send me a scan. It turned out to be a list of treatment charges not covered by the bill I'd already paid before leaving. I had forgotten that the timing of the Swiss admin cycle is different from ours. I had paid the surgeon in full, but not the other things. Worse still I went ahead and made my insurance claim on the mistaken assumption that it covered everything. I wanted to clear things up and just focus on recovery, but acted too quickly in submitting the claim. I doubt if the insurers will revisit this. I'm very upset about this. As a French speaking foreigner, the staff presumed I was more acquainted with their health system than I now am. Seventeen years have passed since I last lived in Switzerland, and much has been forgotten. And I'm now paying for this particular memory lapse.

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