Tuesday 4 December 2018

Decision time impending

Another day of waiting for news of my operation. I went to the surgery for a blood test this morning and this will inform the GP I am booked to see this Friday.  I failed to get in touch with the surgical team's administrator to whom I spoke previously both yesterday and today, to find out if there's any movement in the processing log-jam. 

Sister-in-law Ann thinks I should enquire about private surgery as inevitably at my age, fighting off infections will weaken my immune system over time. I think she is right. But as a last resort, I have written to the surgical team on my case to request a further physical examination to ascertain if my condition has worsened since the MRI scan, as this could be a problem when eventually it's my turn to be operated upon. This is increasingly my concern. 

So, I will contact the administrator tomorrow, as my letter should arrive at UHW then, to ask her to make sure it gets considered by the team at the earliest opportunity. I gathered from the person I did talk to at the UHW surgical unit, that there are almost no out-patient clinics planned for the rest of December. If waiting this long is the case, I'll be ringing up to enquire about private treatment straight after this is confirmed. It's not only a worry to me but for everyone around me also.

Meanwhile, our annual Christmas newsletter is ready for copying, then there are Christmas cards to label and envelopes to stuff before posting. That should keep me busy.

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