Tuesday 25 December 2018

The Family feasts

This morning I had a bout of acute pain, perhaps because the wound didn't drain much yesterday. As a result I didn't have the energy to return to church for the 10.00am Eucharist, in fact, I had to go back to bed after breakfast and rest to recover in time for lunch. This ruled me out of the usual group activity of cooking and laying table. I had to settle for listening to the sounds of Christmas music and happy banter in the background, and not stand around hindering the process, getting in the way.

By lunchtime the pain subsided somewhat so I was able to sit at table for our beloved banquet of the year, albeit perched uncomfortably trying to avoid pressure on my perineum. We ate and drank well (for Rhiannon that meant a pizza!), but I couldn't help noticing that everyone consumed less and rejoiced just as much, it wasn't only me who wasn't stuffing themselves with food. We're all getting older, eating habits are changing, to ensure we continue to enjoy the good health we have.

As the sun was setting we sat around the tree and exchanged presents, in a ritual presided over by Rhiannon, who also had a separate Santa ritual at daybreak with her parents upstairs. She hasn't yet grown out of this, teenage sophistication notwithstanding

After supper, we spoke to Rachel in Arizona, and watched the 2018 Netflix seasonal Santa movie together on TV , 'The Christmas Chronicles' - thanks to our children who are subscribers. We watch so little telly we couldn't justify the outlay. We invest in live performed music events instead. And so to bed at eleven, regretting having sat for so long without exercising today. I may pay for this.

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