Thursday 11 June 2020

State of Alarm - day Eighty Five

Back to cloudless skies and hot sun today. After breakfast and prayers, I continued working on Sunday's service. Anthony came up and recorded the Gospel, and I wrote some new intercessions to record. By lunchtime the files were ready for uploading, nice and early, as I have to clean and tidy the house before finding everything I have to pack. The more time I take, the more thorough I can be. I wish I could have done more in the garden, but i was limited to what I could do manually, as safe use of a petrol driven strimmer or lawn mower is not in my skill set. Learning to accept one's limitations is definitely part of growing old!

Anthony cooked an impressive pile of spaghetti and a pork bolognaise sauce for lunch, and it went down well after a constructive morning's work.

I walked down to the sea at the end of the afternoon when it started to cool down, and took some movie footage with my HX90 to accompany my next discursive prayer video. Then I went to Suma supermarket and bought some replacement stocks for the food cupboard. On return I cooked some of the remaining vegetables into a chick pea stew for Anthony and myself to free up time over the weekend for other tasks. Tomorrow we are invited out to lunch and I have someone coming to see me at tea time as well Such a change recently, after so many weeks of solitude.

Rosella rang me from Málaga, full of joy, to tell me that their prospective chaplain candidate had been to visit, met St George's Chaplaincy Council, and expressed delight with the apartment. It was pleased to hear this, as during my locum duty spells living in that apartment I became convinced that it was entirely the right place for a chaplain to be, and not living way out in the suburbs, as two previous chaplains insisted on doing. 

It was a matter of finding a priest for whom urban apartment living was normal and natural. As such a person would be more at home with the opportunities a ministry in that setting would offer. An announcement will be made very soon. Next time I get to visit Málaga, when it is safe to do so again, it will be for a proper holiday

After supper I went out again for a twilight walk up the track, and heard the sound of stone curlews calling each other, quite close to where I was for a while. No chance of seeing them in the dark however. In any case, my eyes aren't as sharp as they were that last time I was in Spain, and I have more difficulty focusing rapidly enough to be able to recognise the distinctive features of most birds. I wonder if I'll be recommended for a cataract operation this year?

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