Sunday 7 June 2020

State of Alarm - day Eighty One

A cooler cloudier day today, if a little humid, but not unpleasantly so. I slept better as the new round of antibiotics slowly takes effect. I said Morning Prayer and prayed the words of the Eucharist to start the day, having first listened to BBC Radio Four Sunday Worship, an extended reflection on the Isaiah 40 first lesson of the day. It was very enriching indeed.

Yesterday evening at sunset I had the idea to go up on the flat roof and take a three minute video of the evening sky as a backdrop for the Trinity Sunday Prayer video whose words had been quietly forming in my head during the day. The result was that just before I went to bed, the finished product was uploaded to YouTube and sent the link to Dave, to add to the website today. I may get bouts of tiredness and need to rest, but when a creative spark fires off, as long as I don't push too hard, I can get jobs done which I was doubtful I could tackle. 

The same was true after lunch today when I started thinking about Bible Study #12, probably my last. How to get eight long chapters of Acts covered in one session? Impossible of course. All I can do is outline the greater story and highlight pivotal events and anecdotes. I decided to take the study only as far as Paul making his appeal to Rome, as the way this came about was a remarkable and long drawn out tale, but worth telling for the way Paul kept on turning setbacks into opportunities which even he could not have planned. Anyway, aware of the size of the task of summarising the narrative thread of five chapters, I set to work, and to my surprise, it came together in a couple of hours ready to record tomorrow.

I cooked pieces of Merluza (hake) in a creamy lemon sauce with two veg to share with Anthony for Sunday lunch. I was especially please with the sauce as it didn't turn out lumpy.

In the evening, I went for a walk under a cloudy sky threatening to rain. There were a few drops, but no shower of cloudburst, and it was pleasantly cool. I realised that if I got wet my passport and IDP would get soaked, so when I got back I found a small plastic bag to keep them in. It's about time I did this, as I've been in the same position before and forgotten to do anything about it.

After this, we had a family Zoom meeting always good humoured, and good for catching up on the news. Jasmine was with Rachel now school is out in AZ. Unfortunately her internet connection is so poor that we only got snatches of them on video and sound throughout. Clare joined us late, as she fell asleep while waiting and needed a phone call to get her started. It's great to be together, even in this limited way, while we survive the onslaught of a virus which isn't going to be conquered soon, nor without wreaking havoc with the old world order.

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