Friday 18 September 2020

Change of role

I woke up to a bright sunny day with big gusts of wind now and then, realising that the condition of my wound is still deteriorating, I called the surgery and asked for another GP phone call. I've been prescribed a sixth course of antibiotics and given the A&E number to call if it doesn't improve over the weekend. I'm not as feeling poorly as I did a couple of weeks ago. My blood pressure may still be high, something needs to change. Hopefully there'll be further action on this next week. Meanwhile it's 'keep on taking the pills'. Daunting really.

Still working on my Jubilee Sunday sermon, developing an idea that's been brewing all week but not yet ready to finalise. Finding it difficult to do something other than just reminisce. I cooked a stir fry with prawns and rice for lunch. Not my usual fare but it turned out satisfactorily. I hope my sermon will too.

During my walk in the park I saw a group of young adults having fun making clouds of bubbles, and took a few photos of them. As I was leaving, one of the girls ran over and asked if I could email her the photos, which I did when I got home, A couple of hours later I had a thank you from her. With a little editing they turned out nicely.

I watched a quirky detective show on 5USA in the evening, the last in a series I've not bothered to watch, but on this occasion I did bother because the guest star was William Shatner aka Captain Kirk, playing an elderly Jewish private eye, somewhat rogueish in character. It's the first time I've seen Shatner in anything other than a Star Trek uniform, let alone in a fully comic role. He's a very good character actor.

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