Friday 2 October 2020

Fact resembling fiction

Another day of rain and gusts of mild wind that strips the trees of leaves that are turning colour, about to fall A bizarre day with early news reports that President Trump and his wife have contracted coronavirus and are quarantined in the White House. Heaven knows what impact this will have during the last month of campaigning before the US election. It's as strange as the script of a disaster action movie.

Trump has behaved disgracefully in refusing to set a good example, wearing  face mask and keeping a safe social distance at all time, undermining the messages of public health and safety officials. Will this illness win him a sympathy vote, or will it simply demonstrate how unfit for leadership he has proved himself to be in his handling of a pandemic which has afflicted the USA badly? 

It was a matter of putting on full rain-wear for walking today or not going out. There were few people in the park, intrepid joggers and dog walkers mainly. Clare's been trying to organise 'flu injections for us before we go into quarantine. As I'm having a check-up on Monday, I asked the surgery if the GP could give me one at the same time. If that doesn't work out Clare as a couple lined up for us at the pharmacy opposite the surgery.

Covid-19 infection numbers are daeths continue to rise across the country, although it seems the rate of increase is slowing. Hardly a comfort for those who have to deal with the influx of cases, or try to track and trace groups of infected people. 

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