Thursday 8 October 2020

Staycation challenge

Now I am confined to the house, I have to adjust to being unable to walk free in the park, away from the crowds, as is my habit. It's no different to how it was for a couple of months in Ibiza, only the available space in which I can move and take exercise is much smaller. It will take some getting used to. No point in getting stressed about it. Accept and work with the given is what's essential and not get drained by the frustration of narrow limitations. I have to think of this positively as being a 'staycation'. (I never thought I'd find a use for that word)  My aim is to do two hours physical activity a day, regardless of how much distance I cover. I just hope I don't drive Clare crazy and get in her way too much.  

We had some early rain then a day of clouds and enough sun and wind to dry a line of washing outdoors. Most of my walking was indoors and barefoot for a change, listening to music on Radio Three. Well, it's a bit different. I covered eight kilometres during the day, much to my surprise.

For both of us ordinary routine activity is curtailed. Washing and cleaning, on-line shopping and cooking, eating and sleeping continue as usual. We don't watch enough telly or movies at home to justify a pay to view subscription. Clare reads a lot, but I find it hard to maintain interest in reading books these days, and tend mostly to read news and other articles in-line. Plus taking photographs. 

I could do with a project to occupy my camera eye, given the limits of home and garden where I routinely take pictures anyway. I need to think of some different subject matter that will involve me learning new things, but where to start? That's the question.

I found out today that 'The Shtisels' is available on Netflix, which we don't have, also that the box set we watched is the second 2015 series, not the first from 2013. It seems that a third series is in the course of being made, pandemic notwithstanding, and will appear on Netflix next year some time. I guess we're less interested in the prequel than the sequel, although, if we could find box set number one to watch we'd do so. 

This afternoon on checking my files I discovered that I've yet to do my tax return. That's a task I now cannot avoid doing on the grounds that I'm too busy. 

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