Saturday 11 December 2021

Winter wetness

A dank drizzly day, with the city shrouded in low cloud. We had a lie in, then a pancake breakfast. Without anything better to do, I spent the rest of the morning re-organising files in my Google Drive. After lunch a walk in the park for an hour and a half which took much effort. Only a few intrepid dog walkers were out and about. I felt as if wet mist was weighing me down, most unpleasant. The remainder of the day I spent watching crimmies on my laptop, escaping from the world outside.

There's mounting alarm about the spread of the new omicron variant of covid19 and concern that hospitals could be overwhelmed with new patient admissions. Increased restrictions are being introduced, but rather later than they should have been, and these are causing resentment among those who see this imposing on their right to freedom. Revelations about groups meeting in the government's Downing Street offices in last year's festive season during lockdown are arousing public anger against Boris Johnson's leadership and administration. How much longer I wonder, before he resigns or is pushed out by the Tory kingmakers who backed him?

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