Wednesday 3 January 2024

Break in the weather at last

A dozen photos arrived on Instagram overnight from Kath and Anto arrived now in Melbourne. With only a four hour time difference between Malaysia and Australia, they're already over the worse of the jet lag and able to enjoy arriving relatively fresh.

We only had showers overnight, and the streets were drying out with sky clearing by the time I eventually woke up, gone nine. I don't know where all the sleep comes from, as I don't feel very physically tired. I got to St Catherine's to celebrate the Eucharist in time, but not early enough, as I had to open the church and prepare the altar for the service, so we were nearly ten minutes late starting. There were five of us, and the others didn't mind the delay, as none of us were running to a deadline and we all had coffee together in the hall afterwards. 

I walked home and and found that Clare had put out the empty veggie bag in the hall. I assumed this meant there was a delivery today and went down to Chapter to collect, only to discover a load of empty bags from last week in the veg cabinet. It seems Clare put out the empty bag ready for tomorrow's delivery on a different date this week. I cooked lunch when I got back, then went out to get this week's groceries from the Coop. 

Then I made the most of today's better weather with a half hour's walk in the park before tea. A message arrived from Owain, showing a photo of the second hand sofa he's just had delivered in his lounge. His plans to fully furnish his apartment before Christmas were ruined by the stalling of a pay rise promised months ago and not yet delivered for some spurious reason. It's no wonder so many public sector workers are going on strike when the government is deaf toward the pleas of any group whose needs don't fit in with the grand plan devised to maintain if not increase the wealth of the rich, at the expense of those who are just about managing.

Clare went out for her Plygain singing session after an early supper. I worked on making the video slide show of next week's Morning Prayer, and then settled down to watch a couple of episodes of 'Bones', the American forensic series. It portrays the collaborate nature of criminal investigations between police lawyers, forensic scientists and the arsenal of techniques they use, but compress months of work into a timescale of a few days. Too much like 'infotainment', and in that sense it's inauthentic, like the acting.

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