Friday 12 January 2024


Another long night disturbed by indigestion again, probably caused by not drinking enough. I rarely feel thirsty, so don't notice that I need to drink more than is necessary. I had no appetite for eating, so decided to fast, just drink water and stay in bed. Two litres of water later, I started to recover and eventually got up and worked on a Morning Prayer text for two weeks time. Instead of having lunch, went for an  early afternoon, walk.

In Victoria Park I saw a pair of chaffinches on the grass, and later a solitary one in a tree, still looking for a mate I guess. I went home briefly to get a scarf and take my pills, then walked down to the woodland trail in Pontcanna Fields. The mud there is drying out very slowly not frozen, the temperature is mostly above zero along the riverbank, unless there's a really severe frost.

I got back before sunset and fell asleep in the chair. It was dark when I woke up, and the curtains were still open. Clare returned from town with a new bargain winter coat, made of faux fur. It looks good on her. I broke my fast with a light supper, feeling better now, but still tired. I watched another episode of 'Bones' and decided on an early night.

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