Sunday 28 April 2024

Dia del Residente in Nerja

Cool and cloudy with sunny breaks today. After breakfast indoors we drove early into church to be sure of a parking spot in the barrio San Miguel. The Parish Mass hadn't finished, and we sat under the trees in the Plaza Andalucia, for half an hour until the church was free listening to the subdued low pitched singing of the responses by mostly female churchgoers, enjoying the peace of the moment. 

Members of the Anglican congregation trickled in, and there were 25 of us by the time we started at noon. Beforehand I busied myself with preparing bread and wine for the Home Communion set, and checking that all else was where it should be for the service. Even for experienced hands it's hard to get all the detail right, as everything for the Anglican liturgy is securely stored in a locked sacristy storeroom alongside the altar. Somehow it all falls into place by the time the bells for the Angelus ring at noon. Clare and Ann were welcomed cordially, and invited to help out at the Church Shop! As there was an Annual Church meeting in the hall down behind the church sanctuary, we left and drove to large parking lot nearest the Balcon as it's a short walk to Nerja's touristic focal point - the Plaza El Savador. 

We had a tapas lunch at the restaurant Biznaga, at the side of the church, a favourite place of ours in times past, as good now as it was ten years ago. It was Ann's first experience of a Tapas menu, with Albondigas, Tortilla de Patatas, and an interesting take on Patatas Bravas, with the crowning glory of Berenjenas con Cana de Miel. Clare ordered bacalao, and I had cerdo con ajillo. Very satisfying, and a third of what we paid yesterday for our slow food. Needless to say we didn't have to wait for long. The staff and chefs at Biznaga serve scores of people an hour, inside and outside

There was a large smartly dressed crowd outside. I thought it was a wedding at first, but then noticed a child in a first Communion, or maybe Confirmation dress. While we were eating, the Parish Priest came in at the end of his long morning, and ordered fish and chips for lunch. He's clearly a regular customer whose presence is enjoyed by the staff.

Once we'd eaten we strolled over to the Plaza de Espana nearby. It was filled with stalls presenting the activities of several dozen different social and recreational groups, celebrating el Dia de Residente, with strong representation from expatriate groups that are an established part of Nerja's population. Under a huge canopy was a stage with its back to the Ajuntamiento building. On stage a women's flamenco choir performed folk songs with great energy and enthusiasm, accompanied by two drummers and a guitarist. All wore different coloured flamenco dresses and looked amazing. I filmed the last number in their set.

Before heading back to the car park, we had a walk around the Balcon, but didn't stop for long as the sea breeze cooled us rather too much.

When we got back, I cooked a spaghetti dish with onions mushrooms tuna and mussels for supper, then Clare and I walked down to the bins with the rubbish. The walk uphill was particularly tough tonight, as my sleep pattern has been so disrupted this past few days. It really takes a physical toll on me, so now, off to bed without delay

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