Tuesday 23 April 2024

Church key handover

I woke up to another mild day of cloud and sunshine after a night of disturbed sleep, which felt like I was awake for much longer than I actually was. I took the rubbish down to the bins at the bottom of the hill after breakfast and then caught the bus into town just before eleven. I spent an hour chatting to the church shop workers. There was even a moment when I was able to help interpret what a Spanish lady was asking about, as I picked up on a word unfamiliar to them. It's amazing to see the variety of visitors who pop in to browse, and go away with a small bargain. 

There were still a few more groceries to shop for to ensure that I have everything required to welcome Clare and Ann tomorrow. I called into the Carrefour near the older of the two rio Chillar bridges, as it was on my return walking route. I had a message to say that one of the weddings booked for next month had to be cancelled. The couple were unable to change the civil ceremony booking to happen before the blessing ceremony here. Sadly, there's nothing that can be done about that. The arranger for the other wedding I am scheduled to do sent the finalised print ready version of the service booklet, and all is now in order for the last week in May.

Clare called to tell me that my three sets of keys for the three Canton churches were required for Fr Sion Brynach, soon to be licensed to the Ministry Area clergy team, so explanations and hast arrangements needed to be made so that they could be retrieved before she leaves tomorrow. Since Fr Mark was off work for months awaiting a hernia operation, when I did a lot of locum cover for him, I've had my own sets of keys, acquired when other team members left and were not replaced. It's the end of an era, and I can't say I'm sorry about relinquishing the responsibility of being a keyholder. It's been about ten years altogether. There was a time when I had my own key to St German's as well, but I insisted on handing that back at the end of a previous locum duty spell there. It's time for a change. I've been saying that for months now, though still not knowing what will happen next, or should I say discern what I'm meant to do with my freedom.

It was gone four by the time I started making a meal for myself using a small portion of thawed frozen chicken pieces, marinaded in lemon juice and cooked with an assortment of vegetables. It worked a treat, even if preparing and cooking took much longer than usual. Tonight is full moon, but I missed out on moonrise over the sea, as cloud covers the southern horizon, and eventually most of the sky.

After a walk up the hill to observe the light changing over the sea in shades of silver and grey with the setting sun, I started work on next Sunday's sermon, and then headed for bed, hoping for a better night's sleep tonight. Just before lights out, I noticed the full moon shining a little hazily through a break in the cloud, at last.

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