Monday 1 July 2013

Catching up with old friends

Following the intensity of Saturday's ordinations I was glad of a duty-free Sunday, and joined worshippers at the Canton Benefice quarterly united Eucharist in St Catherine's, celebrating the feast of St Peter and St Paul yesterday. I went to the farmers market to get veggies for the week. The fridge was already quite full as Clare had been buying in extra stocks in anticipation of guests this week. On Friday, Clare is feeding a dozen people who are coming to do a Eurythmy performance at the Cardiff Steiner school. Today father and son, Peter and Sebastien Stark arrived from Itzehoe in North German today, to staying with us on their road trip, visiting places where Peter had lived in Britain, in the days when he was a Waldorf school teacher in Bristol, and our Rachel's class teacher. Clare is godmother to Florian, who is one of Sebastien's elder brothers.

The last time we saw Peter, Sebastien wasn't even born. We went to stay with him and Chrissie and see their new baby Melina, in their home in Witten in the Ruhrgebeit. So there's a lot of catching up to do, as well as some touristic experiences to be had by our visitors. One of the aims of the trip for Peter and Sebastien is to speak English throughout the trip, in preparation for a possible future internship in U.K. As Peter is a determined teacher, I don't imagine there'd been too many lapses into German during their journey. Sebastian looked tired, and ready for a long sleep. Peter seemed energized by his return to a country he'd lived in for ten years, and inevitably we talked until later than we should have done, given busy days ahead.

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