Friday 18 April 2014

Good Friday

The processional images created in Andalusia are often evocative and powerful, despite the embellishments, so it's good to reflect on the many sides to the story portrayed in the words of the evangelists, and remember that Christ wasn't crucified between candles on a golden trono, but in a brutal squalid unjust execution 'on a hill far away ...'. Preaching the Passion, especially on Good Friday is for me one of the things I most value about the ministry I still have, where it's for many or for few.

So, I parted company with the family and they went off to the beach. I headed for St Andrew's for the three hour Vigil at the Cross. I had three addresses to give and Linda the lay reader had two, and between us  we led different sections of the service. 

Numbers attending varied between eighteen and a dozen. I guess some people would have gone into Malaga to watch the processions, and I know a coach load will go up to Rio Gordo tomorrow to a passion play performance in the village. I didn't think I could commit myself to go with them, be apart from the family all day, and spend several tiring hours travelling by coach as well. when I have Easter services to prepare for. Besides, for me Good Friday is the day to recall the Passion, and Holy Saturday meant to be an empty day of waiting and preparing. It's time I know I'll need after the day's preaching.

I got home before anyone else and watched some of the re-runs of last night's processions on Canal Sur 2. I don't event want to go out and watch local processions tonight, but be home with the family. Then I set to work preparing paella and a lentil tapas dish for our first evening meal together plus pasta for Rhiannon. It was warm enough to sit outside and eat, looking at the evening sun setting on the sierra de Mijas. A lovely place to be together.

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