Monday 14 April 2014

Semana Santa televised

I spent the morning giving the house a clean through, before driving to the airport to collect Kath, Anto and Rhiannon from their flight. After lunch we took them down to Los Boliches to show them around, and visit the beach. At supper I was presented with a belated birthday cake, which we drank with a bottle of Cava. Going into Malaga to watch the processions wasn't practicable. The newspapers reckoned that it was being broadcast live and on the web by Malaga TV, but I couldn't find the transmission. Then I received a text message from Peter to say that the live broadcast was on Cana Sur 2, and so we had it on in the background for the rest of the evening. It's an impressive local broadcast contribution to an important public event.
This photo of the screen hardly does the broadcast justice as it's in effect a copy of a copy. It's not nearly as compelling to watch on telly as one's field of view is narrowed greatly. Also there are no scents and only a sample of the surrounding sounds. You do get privileged perspectives from remote high up cameras which are interesting, but you rely entirely on the director to choose shots that hold the attention. All in all, I'd prefer to be there. All that standing around on the streets is pretty taxing, but the live experience is far superior.

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