Thursday 3 June 2021

Celebrating a remarkable extended family

I finished the antibiotics yesterday morning, and slept a peaceful five hours before needing to relieve myself. Just what I needed. The aftermath of strong medication affects both the digestion and irritates the bladder. Heaven help anyone what has infection or inflammation. The cure seems as bad as the ailment.  Just like giving you a Cocodamol painkiller that constipates the victim, plus a laxative to manage the impact. Is modern medicine unable to do better than this. What happened to the 'patient experience' factor?

Sleep plus a little physical inertia sees a welcome improvement at this early healing stage. I spent much of the morning writing with my Chromebook lying on the bed comfortably, completing tomorrow's eulogy and order of service, ready to print. 

I went to the shops for a few items after lunch, then for a circuit of Llandaff Fields, nothing too strenuous. Coming out if Tesco's as I was entering, I bumped into Wendy one the team of District Nurses who brought ne back from the brink after my first couple of operations. It gave me an opportunity to update her on my medical news and asked her to relay my greetings to her colleagues.

An email arrived from Martin with a request to look at an article he's drafted about his amazing household and family life and comment. At pensionable age they live with two special needs lads, and an Afghan family with two babies and two teenagers, plus other regular visitors. And they love it! Later, after doing what he asked, another request to edit the article. Martin tells a great story, so it was mostly an exercise in punctuation and occasional clarification, as if I was preparing it to be read aloud. I do this routinely and it's an exercise in thinking I enjoy. I don't know if he knows where it will be published, but in due course I will learn.

Last job of the day, to print off tomorrow's scripts. At the moment only Clare has printer ink, so I have to use her computer. A Linus Mint update was due, but the package manager wouldn't accept the passwords I set, much to my annoyance. After messing about a bit, I found the network plug was off and it was linked by wifi only to the router below downstairs. Once switched on the updates processed without incident and on reboot, reverted to wifi on. It's set to update only via a standard wired network, which I prefer anyway, and won't work over wifi. It reboots to wifi as a check, in case the latest update affects software wifi uses. Lesson learned, even if a bit obscure. 

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