Sunday 29 May 2022

Business phone no more

Cold and cloudy today, so different from yesterday. For me, a duty free Sunday. We went to the Eucharist at St Catherine's, and while we were singing the first hymn, Fr Rhys came up to the back of the nave to where were standing and asked if I'd assist him with the chalice, as the regular assistant minister of the Eucharist wasn't there. 

Later during the offertory hymn, I went to the sacristy and borrowed a stole to wear over my shirt and trousers to identify myself to anyone who might wonder who I was popping up out of nowhere, although most people in church probably have some idea who I am. I think we were about thirty adults and half a dozen children. Interestingly only about half the communicants received the chalice, an indication of persistent nervousness about contagion. Very few are wearing masks in church now, but it's good that nobody feels the need to conform one way or another, such is the respect people have for each other. 

St Catherine's is hosting a Parish Platinum Jubilee garden party next Saturday, then a Summer Fayre two weeks later. That's an immense amount of work for a relatively small number of people, but to judge by previous post-lockdown open air events, it will draw in people from the neighbourhood and further afield.

After lunch, I spent another hour reading 'Invierno en Madrid' before we went for a walk in the park together. Clare's back pain has diminished significantly in the past few days, and she's just left with a dull ache when she rests. It's really cheering news. While we were out, I noticed that my Blackberry was no longer able to send or receive calls and messages. Finally, a month after Ashley requested termination of service, BT acted. Last month Cardiff Business Safe was finally wound up and struck off the Companies' House register. I let Ashley know and we discussed whether or not I could just exchange SIM cards with my PAYG phone. Before supper, I made the swap and found that the Blackberry worked perfectly with the PAYG SIM. 

I have a dim recollection of being told that BT didn't lock its phones to a specific SIM any more. I think this would be necessary for someone who might travel abroad and want to use a native SIM instead of a UK SIM, as is the case for people owning a dual SIM phone. All I needed to do was install WhatsApp on the Blackberry. Most of the archived messages appeared to have transferred, but on close examination a couple of weeks worth were missing, perhaps because they hadn't yet been back up. Not that it matters, there's little of importance that hasn't already been copied elsewhere. 

Then it was a case of decommissioning my six year old Samsung, ready to donate to a recycling charity, when I can find one that will accept it. Fortunately there was nothing on telly that I felt was worth watching, so I finished and uploaded next Thursday's Morning Prayer video, which took me a little longer than I expected. Time to go to bed earlier than usual. Tomorrow, after a visit to our National Museum's collection of motor vehicles not on public display, we go to Kenilworth to stay overnight in order to attend the last performance of 'Squidge' on Tuesday, right at the end of their country-wide tour of a show that's gone down very well indeed with children and parents who have seen it..

Just as I was about to post this, an email came in from Rachel with the ,WAV file of her song 'Chocolate' for which I put together a promotional video slide show a few weeks ago. This is a high quality sound file, YouTube ready. All I had to do was replace the MP3 file in the saved video edit file and send to to her. Now I am pleased with the result.

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