Tuesday 31 May 2022

Wriggle triumphant

This morning after breakfast Kath and Rhiannon accompanied us for the drive to Warwick University Arts Centre car parking prior to the final Wriggledance performance of 'Squidge' in the studio theatre, with enough space for equipment and two dozen children with parents to participate in the interactive performance. It was wonderful to witness the live performance and the response of the very young audience to the two dancers who played their part so beautifully. 

Anto, as the accompanying musician and sound effects man was in his element, a real Pied Piper on stage. It was very gentle and sensitive in approach to allowing children to join in on their own terms, either playing or just sitting an wondering at the ever changing stage lights and movement of the artists. The 28 stage tour has been a lot of hard work, fraught with technical difficulty, and thankfully it's been very well received. Quite a feat to attract audiences at the tail end of a pandemic.

Taking photos in a high contrast studio environment with lots of movement was quite a challenge. I was a bit nervous about the task at first, sitting at the back on a chair, shooting over the audience heads, but the Olympus responded well most of the time. My photos are here.

After the show, we took Rhiannon back to Kenilworth and bought food for a picnic lunch on the journey home. Kath and Anto had to stay behind to strike the set and pack up all the equipment. And when that's done, there'll be reports to write for the Arts Council. What next from Wriggledance I wonder?

There were a few rain showers as we drove south and west. We stopped to eat in a Costa coffee car park outside Evesham, reached home after four and then went for a walk in the park before supper. It was a relief to find that Clare coped well with the two and a half hour journey and only one break en route in both directions. That's more time sitting without pain and discomfort than has been possible until now, a positive step on the way to full recovery.

Later in the evening I watched yesterday's episode of 'Silent Witness' before watching this evening's, the fourth of a series of six episodes which seem to be linked together by some sort of spy thriller intrigue sub plot alongside the usual run of forensic investigation into untimely deaths. Some interesting new characters in the current series, as well as the return of Amanda Burton reprising her previous role - or is she? Always the goodie two shoes in the early years of this long running dramatic marathon, now she seems to have changed, and it's not just a question of being twenty years older.

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