Wednesday 5 July 2023

Culinary ignorance

Clouds and sunshine all day today, cooler but no rain. Quite pleasant really. I woke up with a nose bleed in the night but it didn't last long, and I still had a good night's sleep. It's what I need at the moment. After breakfast, I drove to St Peter's to celebrate Mass with twenty two others. News of Mother Frances' departure has been reacted to with shock and concern about how the Parish and the Ministry Area is going to cope with half the full time clergy numbers. Kate, one of the two Ministry Area Wardens and Iona the Ministry Area lay co-chair are going to pursue the proposition of an interim minister, if not a part time administrator. Finding sufficient supernumerary clerics to cover gaps in the service rota is not the only matter for concern it seems.

It was nearly lunchtime by the time I reached home after chatting in the church hall over cover afterwards. Clare had started preparing veggies but I took over cooking sausages, garlic mushrooms and couscous so she could do some ironing. I slept unexpectedly for an hour in the chair after lunch, and then went out for the week's grocery shopping at the Coop. On the grocery list was bicarbonate of soda, which I mistakenly thought was Baking Powder and bought some. Clare returned from doing the Beanfreaks shopping, with Baking powder as well. I needed to google to understand the difference between the two products. It seems pure bicarb is used as a raising ingredient in soda bread and other recipes with stronger flour, I think. That's something I never needed to know in my life before now.

After supper I walked to Blackweir Bridge and back, then watched an episode of a new British crimmie series on iPlayer called 'We hunt together'. It has darkly comic elements and a high quota of foul language which contribute to its rather unpleasant character. It's not clear which direction the plot is heading or what underlying insight into human behaviour it intends to convey. In other words, I don't get it.

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